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Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)

Grid Lijst
Eaton, Charles "Moth"21-12-189512-11-1979
Edwards, Arthur Bertie Duncan00-00-189800-00-1990
Edwards, Geoffrey Richard 10-12-1961
Edwards, Hughie Idwal01-08-191405-08-1982meer
Edwards, Lawrence "Laurie"00-00-189600-00-1968
Eerde, van, E.G.  
Ellis, Howard Charles "Dick"00-00-189500-00-1975
Elsdon, Thomas Arthur Francis22-01-191709-09-2003
Eltherington, Herbert  
Etches, William Whitson  
Evelegh, Vyvyan "Santa Claus"14-12-189827-08-1958
Everitt, Gordon Hugh29-12-191731-07-2012meer
Ewing, Robert Ross 08-12-1943
