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3rd Infantry Division "The Rock of the Marne", U.S. Army

Grid Lijst
Davila, Rudolph B.27-04-191626-01-2002
Davis, Kermit L.  
Davis, Thomas R.  
Dean, Everett L.  
Delmonico, Dominick 11-09-1945
DePaepe, Raymond Howard23-12-192221-05-2013
Doleman, Edgar C.  
Dombrowski, Stanley R.08-08-1918 
Donnelly, Earl F.  
Dowling, Edwin S., Jr.22-05-191929-09-1943
Duncan, Jack M.  
Dunham, Russell E.23-02-192006-04-2009
Dutko, John W.24-10-191623-05-1944
Duvall, Everett W.