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War Diary vermeldingen

27 september 1944 WO 171/1354 - 3 Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
We remained in the same area and 12 PI joined the 1/6 Queens and shot off 200 bombs. The enemy continued his shelling of the CL and made life very unpleasant in the area between the two roads. This proved to be an unfortunate day as Fus. Jarman who only joined us as a reinforcement the night before was killed and Fus. Lannon got a nasty wound in his shoulder. Fus. Russel and Fus. Scott also were slightly wounded but remained at duty. By a Sten gun falling to the ground Sgt. McLellan and Cpl. Slater of the Mortar PI were both wounded and had to be evacuated.


  • - War Diary
