Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: CA HQ 8 Corps
Month and Year: November 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Col. G.H. Phipps-Hornby
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
MILL and MIERLO 1 1100 Moved to MIERLO E5218. Office est at 505167.
MIERLO 2 1030 SO2 (E) (Major Peltzer) and Major Stok (NCAO) visited the Burgomaster MIERLO. The following arrangements were made:- (1) Population to be notified of curfew and Notices posted (2) Exemption passes to be issued at 1500 hrs (3) Accomodation for civilians breaking curfew - Town Hall available (4) Burgomaster to arrange Police Guard and instruct them to keep civilians until following morning.
3 1540 SO1 (E) visited Convent at BROEKSANT with SCAO to investigate the adequacy of the accomodation allotted to the patients ex hospital – VENRAIJ.
4   FO (Major Roberts) visited SO 1 Finance Second Army and discussed preliminary Fire Reports.
4 1100 SCAO and SO 1 (E) visited Second Army and discussed the following: (1) Provision of Fire Fighting Appliances at VENRAIJ (2) Chances of implementing full WE of SO 3's. (3) Reception areas for future evacuation.
5 1700 SO 2 (E) (Major Peltzer) attended conference 3 Div main ref Security restrictions on VENRAIJ – CUYK railway.
6 1030 SO 3 (E) attended conference at Second Army on 'Public Utilities'.
6 1430 SO 2 (E) (Major Peltzer) attended conference at Second Army on 'Public Safety'.
9 0715 SO 1 (E) visited RV for evacuation of BEUGEN. Practically all the people had self evacuated prior to 9 Nov – only 50 were evacuated through CRTA from BEUGEN.
10 1100 SO 2 (A) (Major Puttock) interviewed body of food control officers for 'BEEK & DONK' Issued instructions re cooperation with NMA and CA.
13 1030 SO 2 (A) (Major Mitchell) and Major Stok visited Saw Mill at DE RIPS to discuss with the Dutch State Forester the military requirements of timber. It was pointed out that it was impossible to limit military requirements within hard and fast lines but it was explained to him that no more cutting than was necessary would be done and that the timber that would form shelter for ultimate replanting would be left standing as desired.
16   F/Lt JH Lott (Public Health Officer) reported for duty.
18   SCAO, SO 1 (A) and NCAO (Major Stok) visited Burgomaster at MILL. Burgomaster confirmed that on completion of evacuation MILL was prepared to receive and accomodate 1800 refugees.
19 1100 SO 1 (E) visited 218 Det and Div Collecting point. Village of MEIJEL now completely evacuated.
19   In spite of permission being given for owners to tend livestock in area between LIESEL and MEIJEL, apparent that some cattle being neglected. OC 218 Det taking matter up with Burgomaster. Pigs and sheep being evacuated by owners. No difficulty in finding homes for the animals.
22   PM: SCAO visited GOC 3 British. Div. Discussed eviction of certain members of maintenance party from ST SERVATIUS Asylum VENRAIJ by the bn Comd on the spot. Div Comd agreed that this would not happen again.
24   SCAO and SO 1 (A) made recce of VENRAIJ for a CRTA. Inspected St Josehines Orphanage, St Annas and St Servatius’ Asylums and found all these institutions seriously damaged and quite unsuitable. Town subject to daily shelling from East of the MAAS.
24 1400 SO1 (E) attended conference Second Army. The following matters were discussed:- (1) Corps Transit Prison Camp (2) Press observer officers attachments (3) Erection of Frontier Signs (4) Canadian Army Officers attachments.
26 1000 SCAO and SO1 (E) visited Brig Lewis (SCAO Second Amy) to discuss evacuation of area 2000 yards wide on West of R. MAAS. Bdr Lewis agreed to plan in principle.
29 0930 SCAO and SO1 (E) visited forward areas to investigate evacuation plan.
29 1700 Visited 217, 218, 224 Dets and GSO's 1 of 3 Br Div and 11 Armd Div.
29   11 Armd Div area evacuation well in hand, to be carried out shortly one village at a time.
29   3 British Div still requires immediate evacuation of BLITTERSWIJK (800 refugees) and agrees to disperse in own Div area. SCAO decided to act on this - refugees to be dispersed in OOSTRUM area, balance to be housed in ST SERVATIUS (VENRAIJ). SCAO to ask Second Army for a DP Det to look after them. OC 224 Det given verbal orders to this effect.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.