Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: Chief Engineer, 8 Corps
Month and Year: July 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brig. H.H.C. Sugden, DSO, OBE
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
BRONAY 7F/1 8973 1   CE established Corps RE Stores Dump. 66 Fd Coy ceased to be u/c 8 Corps
2   70 Fd Coy RE ceased to be u/c 8 Corps. Major C.R. Nicholls, RE relinquished as SORE II. Major R.O.K.T. Moody, RAE assumed appt as SORE II. 130 Pioneer Coy placed under comd CRE 8 Corps Tps.
3   615 Fd Sqn RE from Gds Arm Div placed u/c CRE 43 Corps in sp 32 Gds Bde.
6 1700 151 Pnr Coy placed u/c CRE 8 Corps Tps.
6 1800 282 Pnr Coy ceased to be under comd CRE 8 Corps Tps
7 1400 615 Fd Sqn RE relieved by 14 Fd Sqn RE
LANTHEUIL 12   CRE 59 Div visited this this HQ - purpose, liaison in view of possible future connection with 8 Corps.
15   CE held conference to discuss future operations "Goodwood Meeting", Following attended: CRE Gds Div, A/C CRE 11 Arm Div, CRE 7 Arm Div, CARE5 Assault Regt RE, Comd Assault Bde RE
LANTHEUIL 15   For operation "Goodwood" following Tps are u/c:- 26 Assault Sqn, RE, 79 Assault Sqn , RE, 128 Br Coy, RASC, 24 Mech Eqpt Sec, RE, one Pl Tippers.
18 0745 Operation "Goodwood" meeting started. RE work during first two days , road & track maintenance over R. ORNE and CAEN Canal, preparations of crossing for wheels & tracks over rly line, widening of gaps in own minefields.
19-21   RE work confined almost entirely to roadwork. One feature of operation was that country occupied caontained no water. Finally permission was sought to established a Water Point in neighbouring Corps area ( 2 Canadian Corps)
20   CE 8 Corps Engr. Op. Instr. No. Issued.
22   8 Coprs virtually in reserve, RE now under command:- RE 8 Corps Tps, RE 11 Arm. Div.
22 2300 CE received orders from CE Second Army to build CL 40 bridge in area LOUVIGNE 0165 orders passed on to CRE 11 Arm Div, some eqpt already u/c - 128 Br Coy RASC ( one Bailey Pl) and two further Pls from this coy arrived from 1 Corps before 800 hrs 23 july
23 0900 Recce complete:- site 010653, bridge 160 ft Double Tripple Bailey.
24 1900 Bridge opened to wheeled vehicles, construction of approaches and exits continuing.
LANTHEUIL 25 1200 Br taken over by CRE 8 Corps. 11 Arm Div withdrawn under comd 8 Corps. Corps now has no Divs under comd.
28 1800 Corps HQ moved preparatory to taking part in operation Bluecoat.
29 0930 8 Corps Op Instr No 6 received - Operation Bluecoat. Following is RE positions:- 11 Arm Div and 15 (S) Div are commited on first day of Bluecoat and RE in normal position. Gds Armd Div are not yet involved, but CRE Gds Armd Div and RE Gds Armd Div complete arer under comd CE 8 Corps for use ond rds etc. 77 Aslt sqn are under comd 8 Corps.
30   Operation Bluecoat commenced
30-31   RE work almost entirely on rd and tank tracks. One 30 ft SS Bailey constructed by RE 6 Corps Tps for tank track use.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.