Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 9 Brit Inf Bde
Month and Year: October 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brig. G.D. Browne
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
FIELD 1 0600 Issue of 9 Brit Inf Bde Mov Order No 8. Appx D Folio 1
1   A very quiet night was spent by all bns, patrol 1 KOSB making contact with 1 Suffolks at area 657285.
1 0815 Bde Comd, G3, SC and LO left with recce parties of 2 Lincolns, 1 KOSB and 2 RUR for the new bde area. The remainder of the morning and early afternoon was spent in preparing for the move and by 1800 hrs the bde coln was formed up ready to move.
1 1800 There was however a hold up on the rds and units of other bdes in the div were now passing the Div SP 40 mins behind schedule.
1 1900 Bde HQ main party moved away from BAKEL and contact was est with the three bns whilst on the move.
1 2040 The move, accomplished in brilliant moonlight, proceeded very well and by 2040 hrs contact had been made with the Bde Comd's rover set.
1 2232 2 RUR, the first unit past the Dis P arrived at 2110 hrs and by 2232 all three bns were in posn with 2 RUR HQ at CUIJK 682492 and coys at 719494 705520 695494 718498 712495 2 Lincolns HQ at HAPS with coys at 704457 708455 701454 708451 and 1 KOSB HQ at ST HUBERT 668440 with coys at 669446 668443 672439 and 668438 Bde HQ at BEERS 685494.
1   We are now under direct comd of 8 Corps whilst fulfilling our op role on West bank of R MEUSE. The set-up of bns described places 2 RUR and 2 Lincolns in posns almost on the West bank of the R MEUSE where they will be responsible for the def of the area, and will deal with any enemy attempting to steal back over this side. 3 Recce Regt are providing standing patrols well fwd in areas of ST AGATHA, HAPS and OEFFELT, during day, and keeping rd open between OEFFELT and GRAVE with their mobile patrols. 3 Recce Regt op under comd this bde.
2 0440 Patrol of B Sqn 3 Recce Regt ran into trouble with an enemy patrol at br 765445 and suffered two cas, these are both believed to have been taken prisoner, an unfortunate affair owing to its disclosing to the enemy our move into this area.
2 0600 Other than the patrol incident the night was extremely quiet and no further contact with the enemy reported.
2 0915 Day patrols of B and C sqns reported no enemy encountered on this side of river but OPs have observed the enemy in occupation of MIDDELAAR 742488.
2 1340 Lt Gen Sir RN O'Connor KCB DSO MC Comd 8 Corps visited this HQ, saw the Bde Comd and left at 1355.
2   Intermittent shelling of our fwd posns began, 2 RUR suffering cas to the extent of one OR killed and three wounded, areas mainly affected are the church at CUIJK 720496 and ST AGATHA 7347. The enemy is known to have quite a weight of arty in area REICHSWALD and the bearings seem to indicate that he is employing some of these against our tps.
2 1830 Throughout the day keen patrolling was carried out by elements of 3 Recce Regt, this allied with the reports received from our many OPs enabled us to make quite a reasonable estimate of the enemy disposns around MIDDELAAR 7448 and GENNEP 7746. These OPs est by 2 RUR between 718500 - 719491 and by 3 Recce Regt between 736477 – 742478 and 750462 – 757455 witnessed the operations of US forces on the opposite bank of the R MEUSE and reported seeing many of the enemy withdrawing from MIDDELAAR in a gen Eastward direction.
2   During the day bn HQ 2 RUR moved to 712491 and one coy 2 Lincolns moved from 704457 to area 758456.
3 0630 2 Lincolns and 1 KOSB spent a quiet night and in the 2 RUR area mortaring completely died away after midnight.
3 0950 CO 2 RUR proceeded on recce with a view establishing B Coy in a posn between CUIJK 7149 and ST AGATHA 7347 providing Bde Comd will sanction the move.
3 1030 Permission was given to 2 RUR to move their B Coy closer to the remainder the bn.
3 1325 IO reported location of 325 U.S. Glider Regt and stated they intended to remain firm in present posns at 735490, 734500 until relieved by 185 Inf Bde.
3 1600 Patrols of 3 Recce Regt and observation by bn OPs continued to provide more infm about the enemy; digging was observed in areas 746481 and 739484, much mov seen in area factory 761481 and general mov from there to GENNEP 7746 – HEYEN 7843. Block house at 769459 was sent on fire and at 2220 hrs was still burning. The following places were periodically shelled throughout the day. CUYK 7149 ST AGATHA 7347 OEFFELT 7546 without causing cas. Coy of 2 Lincolns moved from 708455 to 754499 during the day.
3 2100 DF tasks arranged in conjunction with 33 Fd Regt.
3   OPs of 2 Lincolns and 2 RUR are having their heyday observing the enemy across the R MEUSE, even the slightest mov of the enemy is discerned by the eager eyes of our observers and their keenness has resulted in an excellent picture of enemy disposns across the river. In addition to this our observed arty fire is creating havoc among the enemy, notably in the factory at 7648 and MIDDELAAR 7448.
3   The weather throughout the day has been quite wintry.
4 0600 A quiet night, 2 Lincolns patrol to blockhouse reported no mov seen but building still burning at 0540 hrs as a result of our arty conc on it yesterday.
4 0925 2 RUR bn HQ moved from 712491 to 707494 after comd post had had a few near misses from 88 mm shells early this morning.
4 1200 The factory at 761481 still provides our OPs with plenty of infm, the enemy frequently displaying themselves despite our hy arty concs on it yesterday. In addition the Boche is using the chimney as an OP to direct his arty replies to our.
4   The Typhoons have been summoned to give further punishment to the German tps in the factory.
4 1330 A well conducted shoot by SP guns of 45 A tk Bty did good work in dislodging the enemy from his OP in the factory. Numerous direct hits knocked the top of the chimney right off thus causing immense relief and an excellent spectacle for our fwd tps.
4 1510 Maj Warner has taken over comd of 3 Recce Regt vice Lt Col Merriman who was wounded by shell fragment shortly after noon today.
4 1635 An attack was made by rocket firing Typhoons on the factory 761481. The aim of the Typhoons was a trifle awry, as their projectiles fell one mile to the North of the target, doing no damage at all to the factory.
4 1700 Bde Comd attended 'O' Gp. at Div HQ.
4 1900 Mobile patrols of 3 Recce Regt in BEUGEN 7543 and OEFFELT reported no contact with enemy during day.
5 0430 Some mov of tpt was heard by patrols of 3 Recce Regt across the river from BEUGEN, the tpt is believed to be moving from HEIJEN and GENNEP.
5   2 Lincolns patrol reported house at 769459 had been reoccupied by enemy, approx str ten men. Patrol engaged enemy in posn outside house and they killed at least one and wounded one, cas sustained by patrol, one wounded, one missing.
5 0600 1 KOSB passed quiet night but 2 RUR were shelled before midnight, no cas incurred. Ambush patrols of 3 Recce Regt to area 760440, 770440, 757433, 766433, reported no action took place. A sqn 3 Recce Regt engaged enemy patrol 763428 and killed one enemy, later identified as from 487 Ers bn, the first identification of this unit we have had. They are believed to be holding posns in the GENNEP area.
5 1020 Conc of fire by SP A tk guns on factory 761481 brought chimneys completely down destroying once and for all this OP.
5 1030 CBO 8 Corps visited this HQ and is arranging to speed up counter fire against enemy guns by netting direct on to our RA net.
5 1320 Further steps taken to speed up the passing of Shelreps by netting two OPs of 3 Recce Regt at 743478 and 751428 direct on to the shelrep net.
5 1700 Enemy again in blockhouse at 769459, which they can enter or leave at will by the maze of slit trenches around it.
5 2100 The blockhouse at 769459 is becoming quite a thorn in the flesh of 2 Lincolns owing to its ready accessibility to the enemy. This blockhouse however seems to be the limit of his territorial claims for the moment.
6 0530 1 KOSB and 2 RUR spent a quiet night, a little shelling being experienced. Patrol of 2 Lincolns shot up two enemy patrols at 769464 and 766464 and an ambush patrol of 3 Recce Regt to 768439 failed to make contact with the enemy they were hoping to ambush.
6 0700 MIDDELAAR church 7449 which the enemy had been using as an OP was demolished by SP guns of 45 A tk Bty. These A tk gunners are having a royal time demolishing these OPs and their keenness is only comparable with their accuracy, which is exceptionally good.
6 0940 The GOC 8 Corps visited this HQ and conferred with the Bde Comd.
6 1500 Observation of MIDDELAAR church revealed no sign of enemy after shelling, but mov at factory 761481 continues, the number of ambs being seen there being out of proportion to the cas being inflicted in the area. A smallish attack was arranged by 2 Lincolns on the blockhouse at 769459 and after preliminary direct shelling by 3 SP A tk guns and a conc of 3” Mor fire had been directed on the spot a pl of inf went in to attack. Our zeal and energy went unrewarded for the place was empty when the inf arrived. The days arty concs have knocked this blockhouse about it remains standing despite our efforts.
6 1600 The Bde Comd and Lt Col Firbank are dining with the Corps Comd, Lt Gen Sir RN O'Connor this evening.
6   Our OPs have had another field day observing the shelling of MIDDELAAR 7449 and report hy amb activity to and from the factory 7468 and the church 7449. This activity however seems out of all proportion to the shelling, fifteen ambs being observed in five hrs. It may be that they are using these vehs for illicit activities. No proof of this, of course, is obtainable.
7 0125 One patrol of 2 Lincolns reached blockhouse 769459 and found it again to be occupied by the enemy. They resisted the approach of our patrol and opened fire with Spandau and rifles causing one cas to the patrol.
7 0600 Other than this incident the night was again fairly quiet, 2 RUR reporting some shelling of their fwd coys.
7 1800 An exceptionally quiet day, cold in the early morning and improving to excellent weather in the afternoon.
7 2100 Observation by OPs of 2 Lincolns, 2 RUR and 3 Recce Regt confirm enemy disposns in MIDDELAAR, factory 7648, GENNEP and HEIJEN same as has already been described on previous days.
8 0600 Very quiet night was passed by all bns. Slight enemy activity continued in areas previously reported but the main task was preparation for our forthcoming move into our new conc area for op “Aintree”.
8 1800 Div Comd visited this HQ to confer with Bde Comd on pts arising from this issue of 3 Brit Inf Div Orders for the impending op.
9 0600 During the night coy of 2 RUR took over from B Sqn 3 Recce Regt in ST AGATHA 7347 otherwise nothing to report during night.
9 0655 2 KSLI of 185 Inf Bde arrived to take over 2 Lincolns area.
9 0800 -0900. A jeep, later discovered to contain a DR from Phantom passed through 2 Lincolns posns at OEFFELT 7545 and disappeared at high speed towards enemy posn 769459. It was greeted by a burst of MG fire and afterwards nothing was seen or heard of it. A patrol was a little later sent out to look for the vehicle but no trace could be seen of it in the area.
9 0900 Div 'O' Gp attended by Bde Comd, following which he summoned bn comds and comd 33 Fd Regt to a conference at this HQ 1115 hrs.
9 2030 2 coys 2 Lincolns were relieved by 2 KSLI and moved from 754459 to 707455 and from 758456 to 706452 completing conc of bn in this area 7045. 2 RUR on relief of their coy at ST AGATHA by coy 1 Norfolk at 2240 hrs were conc in area 6948 and with 1 KOSB already conc in ST HUBERT the bde was now conc prepared to move.
10   The bde remained in a state of readiness to move throughout the whole day.
10 1100 The op due to commence today has been postponed 24 hrs on account of the filthy state of the weather.
10 1900 It has been raining hard all day, and the ground is already showing signs of these recent downpours; mud is everywhere.
10   Issue of 9 Brit Inf Bde Move Order No 9 at Appx D. Folio 2.
11   All bns passed a very quiet night, the move being expected on the 12 Oct; the bde comd decided that this should be observed as a rest day by bde HQ and everyone adjusted their routine accordingly.
11 1100 A LO from Second Amy arranged for tel to report to this HQ for op "Aintree".
11 1255 Definite orders received from 3 Brit Inf Div that the move would take place on the 12 Oct.
11 1545 Visit of Corps Comd, Lt Gen Sir RN O'Connor to bde HQ.
11 1800 Div Comd visited this HQ.
11   Issue of 9 Brit Inf Bde Op Instr No 4 at Appx D. Folio 3.
12 0600 Bns reported a very quiet night with neither shelling or mortaring.
12 0830 Bde HQ moved away from BEERS on commencement of move to area of future ops
12 0950 and arrived in location ST ANTHONIS 717381 without incident.
12 1245 Bns completed their move and were situated with 2 Lincolns area 725395 1 KOSB 706381 2 RUR 722378.
12 1400 Shortly afterwards news was received that 8 Brit Inf Bde had made a good start on their task in op "Aintree" and were still adv.
12 1455 2 RUR and 1 KOSB were placed at one hrs notice to move into fwd areas and bn comds warned to be prepared to meet the Brig at very short notice.
12 1600 8 Brit Inf Bde were reported (a) having cleared village of OVERLOON 7631 (b) cleared "L" wood 7632 (c) in occupation of North corner of wood 768321 and still advancing. Many PW had been taken and the gen posn seems to indicate the enemy will withdraw either into woods SW of OVERLOON, or right back to defend perimeter of VENRAIJ. Bde Comd went to Div 'O' Gp at Div HQ.
12 1630 The bns were infm that no move during night but possibility of an early move in morning and preparations would be made accordingly, COs however were still to stand by in event of Bde Comd’s recce party being called for.
12 1700 Bde Comd returned and immediately summoned comds 2 RUR, 1 KOSB, 'A' Coy 2 Mx, 45 A tk Bty and Sqn Comds of 4 Tk Gren Gds, under comd bde for op "Aintree". The Brig described possible task for two bns and tk sqns concerned, then with party left for a daylight recce of approaches to wood 7430 which the bns are to clear in the morning.
12 1832 CRA 11 Armd Div called at HQ for fire plan of op. The Bde Comd was at this time at Div HQ with GOC discussing results of his recce. CRA 11 Armd Div left leaving an LO.
12 1915 Bde Comd returned from Div and immediately called a planning gp for 2000 hrs. The Gp consisting of Bde comd, BM, OC 2 RUR, CRE 3 Brit Inf Div, OC 4 Tk Gren Gds, OC 33 Fd Regt, OC 45 A tk Bty, and discussed the plans for moving up the bde to its conc area on the morrow, and the tactical aspect of the whole op as it effects everybody.
12 2130 Bde 'O' Gp for issuing final orders for 9 Brit Inf Bde part in op "Aintree".
12 2300 Preparation of 9 Brit Inf Bde Notes on Bde Comds conference confirming verbal orders issued.
13 0200 Issue of 9 Brit Inf Bde Notes on Bde Comd's Conference – Appx 'D'. folio 4.
13 0400 2 RUR moved off with marching personnel and 'F' ech vehs to the fwd assembly area at 737333 and reported HQ located at 741332 on arrival.
13 0530 Bde Comd and GSO3 left HQ for 8 Brit Inf Bde HQ where the Brig has arranged to meet OC 2 RUR, 33 Fd Regt, 4 Tk Gren Gds and 'A' Coy 2 Mx to make recce and if necessary give further orders. At this time 1 KOSB reported as being on move to their conc area and by 0730 hrs had reported their HQ as being 727335.
13 0700 Main body of bde moved fwd and est in new area 714348, followed on rd by marching troops and 'F' ech vehs of 2 Lincolns who were clear of ST ANTHONIS by 0800 hrs.
13 0930 The attack commenced with 8 Brit Inf Bde on left and 9 Brit Inf Bde on right. The adv of bde front was on a "one bn up" front with 2 RUR leading, in to take woods 750310 750306 and 750303 in the first phase. 1 KOSB are following up behind 2 RUR.
13 1020 At first the move fwd was quite definite in face of some mortaring and shell fire and by 1035 fwd elements of 2 RUR had entered the first wood and enemy mortar fire had increased considerably. The tks in sp of 2 RUR worked their way slowly fwd without meeting any serious opposition until 1100 hrs
13 1140 when an SP gun in the bottom half of wood 7430 knocked out one of their tks. This was the first actual contact with the enemy, although mortaring and shelling of our tps was still rather severe.
13   A report received of 60 enemy moving SW from area 747307 confirms gen impression that main party enemy have withdrawn from wood leaving small delaying parties behind. Comn was at this period extremely bad due probably to woods having screening effect on wireless.
13 1200 185 Inf Bde commenced their op with, as their objective, clearing of wood 'S' on left of 2 RUR.
13 1320 News filtering through est that 2 RUR had coy in 753305 - 755304 and 3 tks were knocked out as result of a troublesome SP in the Southern part of wood around 745304. Our arty, and remaining tks milling around, fiercely engaged the enemy SP gun. There is now good reason to believe it has pulled out.
13 1330 1 KOSB moved fwd with 2 coys up, in their adv to clear wood immediately to West of 2 RUR and by 1440 hrs their fwd elements had reached 740308 and meeting no opposition.
13 1515 The gradual move fwd continued throughout afternoon and at 1515 hrs 2 RUR reported their patrols on the final objective in Southern edge wood 7530. 2 RUR were instructed to get firm on objective as quickly as possible.
13 1520 Bde Comd sent for comd 2 Lincolns and ordered him to begin moving his unit fwd from their conc area and instructed him to exploit fwd from 2 RUR and to make firm forward edge of wood 7529. To assist him, tks now with 2 RUR will be placed at his disposal.
13 1600 Brig went to visit 2 RUR.
13 1730 Bde Comd called 8 Brit Inf Bde HQ to meet Div Comd.
13 1815 Comd 2 Lincolns infm bde that he thought it extremely unlikely he would be able to exploit fwd into wood as Brig ordered, reason being that 2 RUR were not yet firm in fwd edge of woods 7530 and were still at this late hour bringing their coys up. Comd 2 RUR stated his bn would all be in posn on final objective before last light and comd 2 Lincolns would be moving one coy now at 752309 up tonight to fwd posns of 2 RUR the purpose being to send patrols to wood 7529.
13 1845 By last light 1 KOSB and 2 RUR were firm on objective, 1 KOSB with coys at 745303 743302 745302 746302 and bn HQ at 745303. 2 RUR with coys posns at 750307 755304 745300 750300 bn HQ at 751307. 2 Lincolns remaining conc in area 745323 less one coy at 750314.
13 1900 Bde Comd left for 2 Lincolns HQ to investigate the reason why they did not press on with task of getting into wood 7529 and
13 2200 returned to say that 2 Lincolns would commence attack in wood at first light in morning.
14 0035 Bde Comd altered time of H hr for 2 Lincolns from 0630 to 0700 hrs. The hours of darkness were utilised to send a patrol fwd to dyke 753296 to investigate whether it constituted an obstacle or not. 2 Lincolns supplied the patrol but could not fulfil the task owing to hy MG fire preventing them approaching dyke.
14 0700 1 KOSB also had a busy time during night and their patrols reported enemy MG posts at 747300 and 748298. The picture was gradually building up indicating the enemy as determined to resist our adv into this sector.
14 0730 H Hr for 2 Lincolns had been postponed from 0700 hrs until now and after a short and brisk arty preparation the attack went in with one coy up. The enemy realising the threat brought down immediate and hy def fire from his mortars and guns, and forced the coy of 2 Lincolns to withdraw, having suffered cas.
14 1000 Immediately following this the Bde Comd and GSO3 left for 2 RUR HQ where they est a Tac HQ and commenced immediate planning for a renewed assault later on in the day.
14 1150 Bde Comd left to visit Div Comd at Tac Div.
14 1200 The attack planned for 1400 will be assisted by rocket firing Typhoons who are to strafe the fwd edge of wood 737298 and 7429 at a time synonymous to H Hr.
14   One feature of enemy measures to defend his pocket West of the R MEUSE seems to be the large scale employment of Nebelwerfers and mortars. All bns have complained of the regularity in which they are being shelled. The new Bde CMO Lt R Law RA is receiving shoals of mortar reports and has been able to engage suspected areas after proof of bisected bearings from OPs.
14 1351 Typhoons attacked the target, flying in close before firing their rockets and cannons. The attack seemed extremely successful eight planes being employed and shortly afterwards the report came in from the ASSU tcl att this HQ for period of op, that all rockets had landed in the target area.
14 1400 The attack planned for this hour has been postponed for a further 1½ hrs. Meanwhile to the East 185 Inf Bde have been going well despite an early check due to hy mortaring.
14 1521 A Coy 2 Mx opened up with their MGs as their contribution to the attack, and supported by a hy barrage 2 Lincolns adv into the assault with two coys up.
14 1530 As soon as they adv into the open they came under extremely hy mortar and shell fire and it became obvious that the enemy had planned his defensive fire with a certain foresight. The attack however went in with determination.
14 1616 Soon the forward tps of 2 Lincolns were on their objective and digging in and shortly afterwards all their assault tps were firm in wood 749287 and the attack had been a signal success.
14   The Bde Comd ordered 2 RUR to bring two coys fwd to tip of wood area 754294 other two coys remain in area 750300.
14 1740 Tks of 4 Tks Gren Gds were withdrawing for the night to the rear area for rearming and refuelling when Comd 2 Lincolns made an urgent request that he be permitted to retain some of them.
14 1800 The Bde Comd immediately took the matter up with the GOC and got a firm decision to retain the number required for def of newly won ground.
14   OC 2 Lincolns was given permission to retain a maximum of 2 tps, and decided to retain one tp.
14 2215 At last lt the posn of the bde was as follows:- 2 LINCOLNS holding East edge of KALLERY wood with their coys at 748290 750288 746289 with two coys 2 RUR under comd for night at 750293 and 751294. 2 RUR less two coys remains area 750300 754301 with bn HQ at 748308. 1 KOSB with coys at 739302 744300 746299 748302 and 745306 their bn HQ at 745303.
14 1500 During the afternoon main HQ 9 Brit Inf Bde closed down at 714348 and moved to 730325.
14 1930 Bde Comd visited 2 RUR in their new posns. It then became apparent that, owing to a misunderstanding, tp of tks had been withdrawn. SP A tk guns had failed to cross the obstacle and so 2 Lincolns were without A tk guns or tks for the night. HQ 2 Lincolns was apparently sited in a fd of mixed anti-personnel and A tk mines. Some cas resulted.
15 0345 Patrols during the night reported sound of mov in area wood 7329 which seems to indicate a gen withdrawal of the enemy from this sector. This was confirmed later by a strong patrol of 1 KOSB who reported strong evidence of enemy having withdrawn toward KLEINDORP and MEERSELO 7427.
15   2 Lincolns, firm in wood, improved their posns and sited the SP A tk guns of 45 A tk Bty, which arrived shortly after sunrise to guard against any threat of counter attack. The sound of extensive demolitions from the area of BEEK and KLEINDORP indicates the enemy blowing brs behind him, and a counter attack is not considered likely, even though these protective steps were taken.
15 0900 Brig ordered 2 Lincolns to send patrols forward down tracks in wood 751284 759281 and 754293 - 760290 to effect contact with the possibly retreating enemy, at the same time 1 KOSB were to search KALLERY wood from end to end so that a 'clean bill of health' could be rendered to Div in respect of this wood.
15 1255 Both units later reported the enemy had completely pulled out of the area immediately South of their posns, and 2 Lincolns further reported that the only contact their many patrols had made was at 750284 where they were fired on by MGs South of the rd. This programme of daylight patrolling is being carried out to pinpt enemy posns which are likely to hold up the attack on VENRAIJ 7226, which is being resumed tomorrow on a two bde front, with 8 Brit Inf Bde on right going through via BEEK 7628 and HIEPT 7727 and 185 Inf Bde on left, going through ZWARTEKLEF [7628?] and BRABANDER 7728.
15 1700 The role of 9 Brit Inf Bde in Div res and providers of infm to 8 Brit Inf Bde, by reason of our daylt patrolling today on the Axis of the adv.
15 2000 Patrolling continued on a smaller scale during the early evening.
15 2100 Some deductions can now be made as a result of the days patrolling. (i) The enemy firmly entrenched in wood 7329 7429 7529 7328 7428 7528 found their posn untenable after 2 Lincolns had driven a wedge into their main defs and consequently has made a large withdrawal South towards KLEINDORP and HEIDE 7624. (ii) our contact with the enemy West of the reservoir at 7628 seems to indicate that his withdrawal East has not been so definite and further indicates the enemy intention to def the line of MOLEN BEEK area 7628.
15   Posns of bns at close of day were:-
15   2 Lincolns coys at 749290 752289 749287 751287 bn HQ 749287.
15   1 KOSB no change.
15   2 RUR coys at 749290 751295 with bn HQ 753303, otherwise unchanged.
16 0300 The adv of 8 Brit Inf Bde will commence at 0630 hrs and simultaneous with this 2 RUR will move fwd to occupy KLEINDORP 748276 thus securing the right flank of the adv.
16 0630 Leading coy of 2 RUR moved fwd despite a little mortaring and shelling of their SL, and by 0810 hrs had occupied wood 751283. Their adv was entirely unopposed, although 8 Brit Inf Bde on left were running into stiff opposition on the MOLENBEEK 758281.
16 0810 Comd of leading coy 2 RUR sent patrols towards the village of KLEINDORP and they entered without a shot being fired.
16 0900 Occupation of KLEINDORP by this coy was completed shortly afterwards and the Bde Comd ordered 1 KOSB fwd to occupy and secure DALLAND 7328.
16 0945 Div Comd paid a visit to Bde Comd.
16 1000 Comd 2 RUR with one coy in KLEINDORP decided to hold on for a short while until that coy was firm before removing remainder of his bn fwd. Meantime 1 KOSB were moving forward through KALLERY wood 7328 and had one coy at 733282 and another at 739280 and mov was so speedy that at 1130 hrs their leading coys had reached 736277 and 735274 respectively. Bde Comd instructed them not to go up too far fwd but to patrol up to the 26 grid line.
16 1200 The Brig was infm that bde was going into Div res and would probably have to move from present posns as soon as practicable - bns were warned to stand by for a move.
16 1312 1 KOSB est contact with 29 Armd Bde at 733268 thus linking up 11 Armd Div with 3 Brit Inf Div. 1 KOSB were ordered to move to area 7831 there to take over from 4 KSLI of 159 Inf Bde.
16 1515 2 RUR were also warned to stand by and were informed that such a move for them was unlikely until later in the afternoon.
16 1500 GOC again called to see Bde Comd.
16 1820 2 RUR moved up to their new posns NE of OVERLOON and by last lt the bde was disposed with 2 Lincolns area 750312 1 KOSB with coys at 739320 793304 792314 795317 and bn HQ at 785322.
16 2235 2 RUR being disposed around gen area 768323 with bn HQ at 771324 and coys at 768325 771328 774327 and 776325 astride rd OVERLOON 7631 and SCHOFFENDEN 7833. Bde HQ remaining unchanged at 730325.
16 2300 Contact patrols were sent out by 1 KOSB to contact 1 S Lan R on right and 3 Recce Regt on left area 795333.
17 1200 1 KOSB were engaged during the day in active patrolling and by evening had secured quite a lot of infm regarding enemy disposns on their front.
17 1800 Bde Comd visited GOC at Div.
17 1900 Patrols moving to, and lying up West of rly 7931 and 7932 reported the enemy as holding posns East of the rly in and around SMAKT 8031 and HOLTHEES 8032, and enemy at 797325.
17   Patrols sent out to recce the br at 795313 were unable to reach it, being heavily mortared near their objective.
17 2000 Today's patrolling by 1 KOSB est the enemy as being in some str but it is too early to draw conclusions as to exact disposns. Their patrols to the MOLENBEEK 795315 reported the ditch is 15 ft wide and 12 ft deep at this pt and forms a definite a tk obstacle. The Comd has ordered Comd 1 KOSB to continue offensive patrolling and to attempt a probe over the rly line in an effort to discover enemy fwd posns. 2 Lincolns and 2 RUR had rather a quiet day the only pt worth noting being the despatching of carrier pl 2 RUR to area 784309 with role of protecting the gap between 8 Brit Inf Bde and 9 Brit Inf Bde at this pt. They will also patrol rds in their immediate area.
18 0600 During night 1 KOSB had patrolled fwd to rly line without encountering the enemy, but any attempt to cross the line brought down fierce mortar fire.
18   The area in which 1 KOSB are positioned is extremely close and their fwd tps are only separated from the enemy by 200x-300x. This makes mov very difficult and patrols of 'A' and 'B' coys 1 KOSB negotiate this virtual "No-man's land" frequently in their efforts to build up the picture.
18 0800 Two PW taken by 1 KOSB provided necessary identification of unit occupying posns opposite, they proved to be from bn Greving a GAF unit of peculiar org consisting of three coys with approx 60 men in each. These two men, a sjt and cpl, were captured whilst patrolling West of the rly and provided some useful infm regarding their own disposns. Their bn only 180 strong has had heavy cas from our arty and air attacks and are daily expecting relief from the line. There are other units sp them on right and left. The German army in the West, badly smashed by our breakthrough in Normandy, and suffering from its headlong flight from France, is relying more than ever on these hastily formed bns to hold up our adv long enough for him to further strengthen his def of the MEUSE.
18 1400 Patrols of 1 KOSB during daylight again underwent mortaring and shelling as their patrols tried to build up a picture of the enemy facing us.
18 1430 Rocket firing Typhoons were called in to attack a suspected enemy strong pt at 799322 which was pin pointed earlier on by our patrolling. The attack put in by 8 Typhoons was however a little off the mark and all projectiles fell too far North. These Typhoon attacks have a great morale effect on our fwd tps, they thoroughly enjoy the sight of our airmen strafing the enemy with such deadly projectiles and accurate cannon fire.
18 1600 Bde Comd had tea with Comd 185 Bde and afterwards left for 8 Brit Inf Bde
18 1700 where GOC 3 Brit Inf Div is holding an 'O' Gp.
18 1800 Bde 'O' Gp at which the Bde Comd gave orders for the change over of 2 RUR and 2 Lincolns with units of 185 Inf Bde in the VENRAIJ area.
18 1900 ASSU tcl left to be att to 11 Armd Div South of VENRAIJ.
18 2400 Issue of 9 Brit Inf Bde Op Instr No 5. Appx D Folio 5
19 0600 Patrols during the night op East of the rly failed to contact the enemy, contact was est with units on the right and left of 1 KOSB.
19 0830 During the morning 2 Lincolns and 2 RUR perfected their arrangements for taking over from bns of 185 Inf Bde, they are relieving, and recce parties were despatched.
19 1030 Comd 8 Corps visited this HQ and met bn comds and comds of sp arms, reason for meeting, to enable Lt Gen Sir RN O’Connor to congratulate these offrs on their contribution to the success of our op to date.
19 1200 2 RUR moved off to area 784284 and arrived in their new location by 1350 hrs without incident.
19 1400 2 Lincolns moved off to area 769299 and arrived shortly afterwards.
19 1600 2 RUR relieving 2 KSLI had completed the relief by 1530 hrs. 2 Lincolns completed relief of 1 Norfolks by 1530 hrs, so that now all three bns of the bde are fwd and in contact with the enemy. Bde HQ being est at 765308. The Brig ordered all bns to commence patrolling their fronts tonight and laid down definite patrol bdys.
19 1800 1 KOSB continuing patrolling of their own front were witnessing increased enemy activity and reported seeing fifteen Germans at 800326 and sixty Germans area 799330. This seems to indicate that enemy have either received rfts or have been relieved by a stronger fmn. 33 Fd Regt were called on to punish this increased enemy activity and did so with excellent results.
19   The main difficulty of engaging the Boche with our arty is our inability to get observed shooting. Close nature of country only permits our air OPs being used and these are not always available. One of our patrols attempted to cross the rly between SMAKT 8031 and KASTEEL MAKKEN 799330 and was heavily mortared and forced to withdraw.
19 1900 A PW brought in by 2 RUR proved to be from III GAF Festungs bn, a unit which according to PW statement had suffered heavily, resisting our adv on VENRAIJ. Throughout the day German mortars, nebelwerfers and guns attacked our fwd areas, causing cas, and presenting the bde CMOrg with an excellent opportunity of putting theory into practice.
19 1930 At close of day bns were situated as follows :- 2 Lincolns had coys at 782295 779292 775293 778294 with the bn HQ at 769929. 1 KOSB locations were unchanged save for posn of carrier pl who had relieved carrier pl of 2 RUR at 782309. 2 RUR had their coys at 788291 790289 785284 735287 bn HQ at 784284. Patrolling will continue on all bn fronts during night.
20 0600 Patrolling at night 1 KOSB again reported contact with the enemy, area rly 799319. 2 Lincolns and 2 RUR patrols having nothing to report.
20 1000 OP fwd coy 2 Lincolns at 790297 report seeing enemy approx str one pl in area wood 791304 - 793303.
20 1730 A strong patrol 1 KOSB, approx pl str, went out to est whether house 791303 was occupied, and encountered enemy there. The enemy, obviously a small OP, withdrew rapidly in face of adv of 1 KOSB patrol and took cover in wood 792304. When our patrol essayed to enter the wood in pursuit hy enemy MG and rifle fire forced them to withdraw. This confirmed report from 2 Lincolns of the enemy holding this wood in some str. 2 RUR also made contact having observed enemy mov and sentries in wood 793290 and in houses 793277.
20   The enemy picture is gradually building up to indicate the Germans holding a line from DEN BOSCH 8133 to along the MOLENBEEK to 799320 thence South along rly to 801301 along track to 790287 then SE to LUL 7927 and OOSTRUM 8027.
20   Identifications seem to indicate that elements of the German Erdmann GAF Div are holding the line with bn Rumanski bn Greving bn Hoffman II Luftwaffe Festung Bn, III Luftwaffe Festung bn and 437 Marche bn, all occupying areas of the German def to our front. Some of these bn mentioned are at very low establishment, in most cases having 300-400 men, and in some cases i.e. bn Greving and II Luftwaffe Festung bn there are but 200 men in the bn as a whole. Despite their obvious state of bn disorg they are proving a tenacious enemy who refuses to retreat until he is made to by force of contact.
20   Mines, both Schu and Riegal, provide quite an obstacle to our patrol and offensive efforts in the VENRAIJ - OVERLOON - MEUSE sector and the enemy is taking advantage of his own shortened supply lines to sow these mines liberally in these woods, on rds and even at the bottom of dykes. Already several men in the bns have become cas of the Schu (A per) box mines encountered almost daily in areas the Boche has evacuated in the past week or two. Slight changes in coy posns of 2 Lincolns took place during day and their coys are now at 790297 783295 779292 and 778293. Bn HQ remaining unchanged. The coy at 790297 has been moved fwd to assist our domination of the country between 2 RUR and 1 KOSB.
21   Patrolling ceaseless at night and often by day enables the fmn to dominate the unoccupied area between our fwd posns and those of Germans. To date few enemy patrols have been contacted or seen.
21 1630 The day was rather quiet in regard to actual contact with the enemy, the only report of enemy being from 2 RUR who saw a solitary Boche at 791295 standing beside a posn. The enemy has probably finished preparing def posns facing us and is sitting still awaiting our next move.
21 1655 A square towered factory at 822315 had been causing some concern to 1 KOSB and they suspected it of being used as a German OP. To settle the problem an observed shoot by the med guns was arranged with resultant score of fourteen direct hits on target. No apparent effect being visible the Typhoons were called in to “rocket” the tower, this was duly carried out without results. Artificial moonlight produced by using searchlights illuminating low cloud and reflecting its glow onto land has been used for some nights now. Opinions vary as to the practicability of this arrangement, 2 RUR in particular being exceptionally definite in their distaste of this artificial moonlight, their main objection being that it casts too much light at a time when darkness is essential for fulfilment of night patrolling tasks.
21 2100 Patrolling continues from bn posns which are unchanged.
21   Mortaring and shelling in this area has been heaviest experienced since the days of the TROARN battle, the excellent digging of the tps is keeping cas to the minimum.
22 0600 Patrols have little to report excepting to confirm the fact that the enemy continues to extensively mine his front. A per mines and R mines again being located by our patrols. Their laying is so extensive that the discovery of these fds is usually possible only when someone walks onto one.
22 1600 1 KOSB reported the enemy as having seemingly withdrawn back from the rly line leaving plentiful mines to hamper our crossing of the rly. 1 KOSB pioneers, called fwd, cleared the crossing area 799319 enabling a patrol one pl str to cross line in an effort to investigate real facts.
22 1630 The pl went down towards SMAKT 899316 and were ambushed by the enemy who had religiously kept to cover thus giving impression of withdrawal in the sector. The patrol were cut off from firm base, three men only having returned so far. The remainder are believed either killed, wounded or PW.
22 1700 This is rather a set back at a time when our patrols appeared to hold the initiative. It also presents a picture of enemy more disciplined than we have met in the past month or two.
22 2100 Strong protests still continue to be made by this HQ against the employment of artificial moonlight as it hinders our patrolling. Div have consented to control them on a fixed time basis, they being turned on at last light and off at 2200 hrs.
23 0600 Patrols during night failed to contact enemy.
23 0750 1 KOSB report five men having returned from their ambushed patrol of yesterday. According to infm extracted from returned men the patrol ran into a German ambush of at least two secs and several were wounded, remainder being taken PW. The OC patrol is believed to be PW.
23 1030 GOC Div called to see Bde Comd.
23 2000 An extremely quiet day all round. Mortaring and shelling of bn area was reported as only sporadic and slight and no contact with enemy reported on bde front. The enemy known to be in posn still adheres to his policy of quietude during the day. Our arty continues to plaster known posns.
24 0600 Our patrolling had more success in pin pointing enemy during night. 2 RUR patrols having contacted an enemy patrol area houses 788283 and enemy at 793289 and 794287. The Boche seemed to be doing more patrolling at night than usual, and a report of an enemy patrol at 788283 indicates that his patrolling policy is becoming bolder. The other two posns mentioned are thought to be OPs, it is not considered the enemy holds posns West of the rly in any str, daylight patrolling failing to locate such posns, but it does seem that he nightly sends out standing or listening patrols into East half of wood 7929. 1 KOSB too heard sounds of enemy mov and talking East of the rly line, in area MOLENBEEK 8032 and 8033. Str of enemy in this area is entirely problematical but a deserter to the 3 Recce Regt on our left flank was identified as being from bn Rumanski, another GAF fmn of mixed origin and members.
24 1100 GOC 3 Brit Inf Div called to see Bde Comd.
24 2000 Mortaring and shelling during day was again slight; mortaring and NBW activity is not quite so frequent as heretofore and we hope that our counter mortar work is the chief cause of this lessening activity. Proof positive or negative, is not available as yet.
24 2100 Among the list of awards published today are a number of offrs and men of this bde, recipients of the MC, DCM or MM.
25 0600 The results of the night's work proved the enemy to be keeping firm in posns he was known to occupy. 1 KOSB again saw and heard signs of the enemy East of the MOLENBEEK and report burning haystacks on the enemy side of the rly. This may be a new hun technique, as burning haystacks have been reported for the past three nights now. The radiance restricts mov of patrols and enables the enemy to see greater distances to his front; therefore it is a possible solution that the German may set fire to the hay to assist his def at night.
25 0630 2 RUR reported seeing a posn with two sentries in wood 794287 and think they are quite vulnerable to a well organised fighting patrol. Arrangements are being made to "win" this sentry, or sentries. over by force tonight. 2 Lincolns patrol really achieved excellent results, the patrol of 1 offr and 27 OR est a firm base at houses 791305 and patrolled fwd from this pt. The patrol comd’s report being:-
25   (a) Small patrol went along wood 800304 where a German patrol of fourteen was seen moving North towards 1 KOSB area - lay quiet and did not engage.
25   (b) Freshly dug slit trenches 798308.
25   (c) Sounds of messtins heard from 796310.
25   (d) Rd over rly at 801301 suitable for vehs and rly not an A tk obstacle.
25   (e) Standing patrol of five Germans seen at crossing 801301.
25   (f) Suspect German mortars firing from copse 812313.
25   The patrol comd when questioned at this HQ confirmed above details.
25 1220 GOC 3 Brit Inf Div visited this HQ.
25 1800 Feature of today has been the influx of German deserters and the amount of infm they brought in. The first two were inf men and said their unit had been badly hit in our attack on VENRAIJ. They gave infm of exact coy and bn locations, the whereabouts of their cookhouse and times of collection of meals at the cookhouse. All areas quickly became targets for our med guns. Two more deserters from 5 coy II bn Regt Menzel a GAF fmn, came in via 2 Lincolns and gave a full account of the ambush of 1 KOSB patrol on 22 Oct. They said fifteen men were taken PW, incl the comd, and that the patrol had simply walked right into their posns at SMAKT 8030 and as a consequence were scuppered. One of these Germans, crying bitterly, complained that the home conditions in Germany were worsening as a result of SA and SS interference with German civilians. Regt Menzel relieved bn Rumanski in the line facing 1 KOSB about four days ago and, according to these deserters had received strict instructions to remain still during hours of daylt.
26 0600 Our patrols during the night went to the outskirts of BOSCHHUIZEN 796283 and reported the place clear of enemy; a patrol of 1 KOSB est the enemy as still in KASTEEL MAKKEN 799331 otherwise no further contact with the enemy was reported.
26   Patrolling on the bde front is confined to West of rly line; on 1 KOSB sector these mainly consist of recce - cum - listening patrols who journey out the 200x-300x to the rly line, lie up and report any observed mov on the Eastern side in enemy held territory. The enemy profiting from his spell in the line opposite our posns realises that in -judicious mov is punished by our arty, so he now seems to sit still in his ‘funk-holes’.
26 1400 185 Inf Bde have now relieved 8 Brit Inf Bde on our right flank and 8 Brit Inf Bde are moving out for a spell in Div res.
26 2000 Remainder of the day was rather quiet, some mortaring and shelling prevented it from being altogether quiet. The Brig had evolved a new method for employing the mortars of bns and the 4.2 mortars under comd. In order to confuse the enemy counter mortar or counter bty org he has ordered that shoots will be conducted at set times each day. These timings, allotted by Bde, will be changed daily and units will prepare their targets and engage them at their stated times. Thus will be seen all mortars in the bde gp firing on their pre-selected targets at a definite time in the hope of saturating both enemy posns and mort spotting orgs. The system has been well received by the bns.
27 0600 Fighting patrols organized by 2 RUR with the object of capturing a German sentry in wood 795287. This was however a fruitless mission as no German sentries were seen at this pt, even though they had been there for the three nights prior to this. 2 Lincolns had more luck, their patrols contacted the enemy in orchard 796309. Their recce patrol reported hearing sounds of eating utensils at 2215 hrs 26 Oct and presumed the enemy were having a meal at this time.
27 1430 The German counter attack launched in the MEIJEL – LIESEL area has had some success; the enemy reached MEIJEL 7006 and were reported advancing towards LIESEL 6614.
27   In view of this enemy threat, extent or magnitude of which is as yet problematical, GOC 3 Brit Inf Div has urged a high standard of vigilance of A tk def throughout the Div and has ordered an overhaul of arty DF tasks within bdes.
27 1900 Mobile NebeIwerfers are now active on this front and are causing some worry. The CMO has been ordered to org speedy reprisals when these Nebelwerfers open fire as they change posn so quickly.
28   Patrols again went out from the three bns during the night and est the enemy still holding pretty firmly to his posns across the rly. 2 RUR located a Boche sniper at 791295 firing towards the 2 Lincolns and made things hot for him. They also reported hearing mov of a German patrol eight to nine strong proceeding SE from x rds 786284. The Germans are patrolling quite a lot at night and our patrols often run into an enemy patrol whilst fulfilling tasks. As soon as the habits of the enemy in his patrolling become just a little clearer we will org an ambush for his benefit.
28 0700 1 KOSB had quite a hectic night with enemy patrols. C Coy engaging a patrol nine to ten strong at 795325, 0550 hrs with some results. Although the Boche left no bodies behind there were signs of blood in the area when one of C Coy patrols went out at first light to investigate. It seems the Boche approached their posn from the North, came along the track to farm 795325 when halted by 1 KOSB sentries the Germans answered in German and were instantly engaged by our tps with LMG, Stens and rifles from fifteen yds range. Germans replied with Grenades, then scattered, some going North and some going East of the rly, as reported no bodies were discovered after the show, although blood was seen on ground and walls outside farmyard. During the day patrolling was limited to the usual daily standing patrols at 799319 798316 and 786283 and nothing exciting was reported.
28   Shelling and mortaring with an occasional burst of nebelwerfer and panzerwerfer activity made the day more uncomfortable for the fwd tps. It is amazing how stable the weather has become over the last few days. This dry spell has dried up all the mud of battle and all rds except where mined are now negotiable.
28   The question of an offr losing active or temporary rank when he is posted away on a course of more than 21 days is causing some concern, especially as our offrs have acquitted themselves well in action and feel it harsh that they should lose all material benefit of rank and unit in order to attend a course. GOC has suggested suspending courses for coy comds of this Div until the question can be clarified.
29 0600 An uneventful night, no contact with enemy by our patrols.
29 1835 This has been the quietest day we have experienced for some time. The weather has been glorious and the day only marred by the persistent firing of German 10.5 on to the village of OVERLOON this afternoon, some shells falling quite close to this HQ.
29 1840 1 KOSB reported hearing sounds of by tracks proceeding East from area 803323 and promptly engaged them with arty.
30   All three bns carried out a full patrolling programme during the night and their reports are indicative of the enemy still holding to his posns, although in area wood 7929 and 7930 he seems to have withdrawn his forces East of the rly and merely patrols this area at night. Fwd of rly the enemy was never believed to be in any great str but on the evidence of our patrolling he was definitely holding some posns around 797308 and 797296 until a few days ago. The entire day was again quiet except for occasional enemy shelling and mortar activity.
30 1900 Noises of tracked vehs was heard from area 802317 opposite 12 KOSB, these sounds of tracked mov from the enemy side of the rly have been regularly occurring for some nights past and may be construed as being some part of the enemy supply stream.
30   Our arty has of course engaged them whenever heard.
31 0600 The patrolling during the night brought confirmation of enemy increased patrolling activity. 2 Lincolns recce patrol to rly line 801303 having observed a Boche patrol of approx ten men moving from North to South down line at 801304. Our patrol did not engage the enemy. Other patrolling on 1 KOSB and 2 RUR front served once again to confirm certain enemy disposns.
31 1200 An enemy SP gun was seen to go into KASTEEL MAKKEN 800300 and was soon loosing off at posns of 3 Recce Regt on our left.
31 1245 Comd 1 KOSB immediately ordered scale 3 from 33 Fd Regt and from the resultant shoot the KASTEEL is now a mass of flames and amn is exploding right and left amidst the flames. Our assumption is that one more SP gun will fail to toe the German line at roll call tomorrow.
31 1430 The Bde Comd has ordered bn comds to arrange some system of def trip wiring in their fwd posns. This will assist coys in dealing with German patrols at night, and will prevent any attempt by the enemy at a noiseless penetration of our posns.
31 1530 Again there was a deal of shelling and mortaring and several bombs dropped quite close to this HQ. Personnel in the HQ are all living above ground with 100% accn for sleeping, offices and def below ground.
31 2330 Intense shelling commenced with various calibre shells falling in the bde HQ area, one fell within ten yds of the Bde Comd's caravan, no cas caused.
31 2359 Posns of the bns as at 2359 hrs 31 Oct were as follows:-
31   2 Lincolns HQ 769299, Coys at 775294 779291 777294 783295
31   1 KOSB HQ 786322 Coys at 784322 795325 798317 795315 791320
31   2 RUR HQ 784284 Coys at 784287 784284 790288 787291
31   Bde HQ HQ 768306
31   Cas for month of Oct 1944:-
31   2 Lincolns. Killed 3 Offrs, 45 OR. Wounded 4 Offrs, 84 OR. Missing - Offrs, 15 OR.
31   1 KOSB. Killed - Offrs, 8 OR. Wounded 4 Offrs, 30 OR. Missing 1 Offrs, 20 OR.
31   2 RUR. Killed - Offrs, 5 OR. Wounded - Offrs, 22 OR. Missing - Offrs, 1 OR.
31   Bde HQ. Killed - Offrs, - OR. Wounded 1 Offrs, - OR. Missing - Offrs, - OR.
31   TOTAL. Killed 3 Offrs, 58 OR. Wounded 9 Offrs, 136 OR. Missing 1 Offrs, 36 OR.
31   Total cas for month:- 13 Officers. 230 OR.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.