Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 63 (Oxf Yeo) Anti-Tank Regiment, R.A.
Month and Year: November 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. J. Thomson, TD, RA
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
2   Second party of Officers (including Second-in-Command, Signals Officer and OsC 251 and 252 Batteries) and NCOs returned from attachment to 8, 12 and 30 Corps. Sgt Greenaway (252 Battery) one of the above NCOs, attached to 12 Corps, had become a battle casualty, being in a M.10 hit by an 88mm gun during the attack on 'S HERTOGENBOSCH. He is believed to have been evacuated by the infantry but his present whereabouts is unknown.
3   N.T.R.
4 1530 Visited by S.C.R.A. 8 Corps who said Second Army had ordered the Regiment to move up to MILL (HOLLAND 6445) and that we were to move tomorrow. Second Army would provide transport to lift 800 men. C.O. was to return with S.C.R.A. to see C.C.R.A. 8 Corps (Brigadier A.G. Matthew, DSO). Appx 'I', Folios 1,2 and 3.
4 1700 C.O. left with S.C.R.A. to go to 8 Corps.
4 1730 Signal received from 101 Reinforcement Group that L.O. was to report to Second Army Main immediately. Lt A.H.I. Swift went. Message also stated 27 lorries would report 0830 hours 5 November to move Regiment.
4 1830 Signal from Second Army saying Army Commander would probably want to see the C.O. tomorrow.
4 1830 Second-in-Command held Battery Commanders conference – Warning Order to move and arrangements made to send Recce party early tomorrow. Battery Commanders told to return 2230 hours for further orders on CO's return.
WATERSCHEIDE 4 2230 C.O. had not returned. It was decided to prepare a plan for the move on information available. It was not known whether the 27 lorries notified were T.C.V's or 3-tonners, it was thought probably 3-tonners. It was therefore decided that it would not be possible to move the whole Regiment in one lift. Plan was to move RHQ, 250 and 252 Batteries, and L.A.D.
5 0100 C.O. had still not returned from 8 Corps. Battery Commanders therefore dispersed having been told they would probably be required later.
5 0215 C.O. returned and Battery Commanders were sent for. C.O. said lorries would be T.C.V's and the whole Regiment must be moved today. Regiment was to come under command 8 Corps on arrival in new location and would be employed partly operationally and partly on training. Advance recce party would leave 0800 hours and main body 1030 hours. Second-in-Command would meet AA & QMG 8 Corps at 1000 hours at MILL and accomodation would be allotted.
5 1030 Main body left for MILL (approximately 70 miles). Adjutant visited RA 8 Corps on way to MILL and left Lieut Carpenter there to act as L.O. pending establishment of communications by line. Accommodation in MILL was allotted to Batteries as follows:- – RHQ and 252 Battery – Dutch Barracks, M.R. 644455. – 249 Battery – Castel Aldendriel, M.R. 653452. – 250 Battery – School LAGEPEEL, M.R. 610745. – 251 Battery – School MILL, M.R. 650450.
5   P.M.: Message received that Army Commander would see C.O. at 1000 hours tomorrow. Regiment remains concentrated and will not take over any operational duties till more equipment is supplied.
MILL 5   The Regiment remains under command 8 Corps but is administered by 3 British Inf Div and will come under command 3 British Inf Div for operations.
6 1000 C.O. to Army Commander for interview.
6 1700 C.O. to G.O.C., 3 British Inf Div. Information regarding the enemy on our immediate front was obtained from 2 HCR who are patrolling this sector.
7 1300 C.C.R.A. 8 Corps and Lt-Col. Abel-Smith (2 HCR) came to lunch. Regiment is to be under command 2 HCR for operational duties. Bottle of Second-in-Command's Port was produced for lunch.
7 2000 Battery Commander's conference to discuss operational Duties. These are described in Appendix J. Recces of areas to be carried out tomorrow and areas to be occupied by 1200 hours 9 November when Regiment will come under command 2 HCR. Arranged further Battery Commander's conference for 2000 hours tomorrow. Appxendix J, Folio 2.
8   Battery Commanders recced areas of responsibility with Squadron Commanders of 2 HCR and ROYALS.
8 1800 Battery Commander's conference held at 1800 hours instead of 2000 hours as previously arranged, as C.O. now has to attend conference at 2 HCR at 2100 hours. Battery Commanders made full reports of their recces and stated what posts were going to be manned. Digging is to begin early tomorrow morning. The following extra equipment was received during the day:- 3 x 15-cwt Water trucks. 6 x 15-cwts FFW. 14 x 3-tonners. 4 Jeeps. 1 Carrier TS & C.
MILL 8   3 AOPs. 2 x 15-cwt half-tracks. 8 Motor Cycles. 60 Bren IMGs and 22 PIATS.
9   During the morning Batteries moved out of MILL area to take up their positions on the line of the River Maas. Battery HQs were established as follows: 249 Bty – E 774389; 250 Bty – E 755402; 251 Bty – E 749428; 252 Bty E 740450. 'B' Echelons of all Batteries were left in MILL area. Posts were dug and should have been wired but owing to the non-arrival of the wire this could not be done. RHQ move a Tactical HQ to HAPS and were established at E 705445. Main HQ remained at MILL E 644455. Tac HQ consisted of C.O., 2IC, I.O., Half-track vehicle, wireless vehicle, C.O's Car, 3 drivers, 3 batmen, 1 D.R. and 1 Driver Operator – Total 11.
9 1730 Posts on the line of the River Maas were manned for the first time.
10   Quiet night on whole front. Only one post (252 area) reported that they heard what was believed to be enemy patrol but could not engage it. Appx 'G', Folio 1.
10 1400 Corps Commander 8 Corps visited Tac HQ and spoke to all available Officers.
11   Quiet night. Nothing to report from any post. Appx 'I', Folios 4, 5 & 6.
11   Cigarettes, English beer and spirits drawn from NAAFI.
11   During morning Tac HQ moved back to Main RHQ at MILL.
12   Post No 62 (252 Bty) reported that during the night considerable movement of enemy transport was heard in GENNEP area. Two posts report hearing enemy patrols. Appx 'D', Folio 1.
12 1025 Six shells fell about 500 yards North West of RHQ. Reported to RA 3 British Inf Div.
MILL 12   Composite S.P. troop of 250 and 252 Batteries with three M.10's formed under command of Sjt Kullich and put under command of 144 Anti-tank Battery, 91 Anti-tank Regiment, w.e.f. 1500 hours today. (See 63 (Oxf Yeo) Anti-Tank Regiment Operation Instruction No. 1).
13   N.T.R. on front during the night.
13   L/Bdr Nicholls and L/Bdr Short (252 Battery) received accidental gun shot wounds from sten gun this morning. No further details yet.
13   S.P. Gun detachment (No. 1 Sjt Doolan) under command 91 Anti-tank Regiment had a shoot across the River Maas. 17 H.E. Shells were fired at a house which was being used by the Germans. These were the first shells fired by the Regiment against the Enemy.
13   C.O. went to 252 Battery to spend the night in one of the forward posts.
13   P.M.: RA 8 Corps Operation Order No. 7 received.
14   Dutch patrol on our front reported enemy patrol at 758464 during night, otherwise N.T.R.
14   P.M.: Visited by AAA & QMG Second Canadian Corps who have relieved 30 Corps on our left. He says the Corps boundaries have been moved and that our HQ is now in their area and that they need this accomodation. As C.O. was out Adjutant made arrangements for him to meet C.O. at 0900 hours tomorrow. Later confirmed from 8 Corps that boundaries have been moved and that we are now in fact in Second Canadian Corps area.
MILL 15 0900 AA & QMG Second Canadian Corps visited C.O. is was agreed that 250 Battery 'B' Echelon would be moved from School at LAGEPEEL 6447 as this was well inside the Second Canadian Corps area. Remainder of our personnel in MILL would remain. 250 Battery 'B' Echelon moved during P.M. and joined up with the rest of their Battery at BOXMEER. Later in day 8 Corps rang up and said arrangements had been made with Second Canadian Corps that we should remain in our location in MILL.
16 0800 250 Battery report that their post in BOXMEER at 770404 engaged an enemy patrol at 0315 hours this morning. Engagement lasted half to three-quarters of an hour. We suffered no casualties but post is certain enemy suffered some casualties. The ground was examined after daybreak and the following German equipment was found:- 1 rifle, 1 belt with 25 rds ammunition, 1 pair wirecutters, 1 machine carbine, 3 full magazines for carbine, 1 Panzer-faust. Appx 'D', Folio 2.
16 1150 -1240: About twelve 88mm shells landed approximately 600/800 yards West of RHQ - reported to RA 3 British Inf Div.
16 1715 Six more shells, Nearest fell about 50 yards from RHQ.
16 2100 Heard that post of 252 Battery had encountered an enemy patrol of 6 at 1830 hours, had killes three of them and captured three. No more details yet.
17 0830 250 Battery's location at BOXMEER heavily shelled. A direct hit on a trench where a number had taken shelter caused the following casualties. Killed: L/Sgt Painting, Sgt Dyason, L/Bdr Hankin, L/Bdr Quainton, Gnr Bland, Gnr Cleall, Gnr Wisker. Wounded: L/Sgt Coggins, Gnr Butler, Gnr Dowling, GNR Johnson, Gnr Kilby and Cpl Bailey (REME). The above killed includes both 250 Battery's Clerk. Gnr Baldwin (RHQ Clerk) sent to 250 Battery. Special authority obtained through RA 8 Corps to collect two Unit Clerks from 31 RHU to replace casualties.
MILL 17   P.M.: Further information received concerning POW captured by 252 Battery last night. They had been sent to 3 British Inf Div for questioning. They turned out to be from I Coy of 202 Luftwaffe Regt who had been sent on patrol to locate our positions. Message of congratulations received from CCRA 8 Corps on capturing the German patrol.
17 1800 One of 250 Battery's posts was heavily mortared, two men slightly wounded. More shelling at RHQ at various times during day.
18   Nothing to report from any posts during night except increased shelling and mortaring. RHQ also received further attention during the day, but most shells fell about 600/800 yards to the West. R.A.P. moved from this location to RIJKEVOORT 7141. Medical set up is now as follows:- Casualties from Right Sector (249 and 250 Batteries) to R.A.P., Royals in BOXMEER. Casualties from Centre Sector (251 Battery) R.A.P. Oxfordshire Yeomanry in RIJKEVOORT. Casualties from Left sector (252 Battery) to R.A.P., Inns of Court in HAPS. Appx 'I', Folios 7, 8 and 9.
19   N.T.R. from any of the posts last night.
19 1430 Visit by DACG 8 Corps who took a service at RHQ which was attended by approximately 35 Officers and men.
19 1600 C.O. went to 250 Battery to spend the night in one of their posts.
MILL 19 1800 Major Cornforth returned from 108 General Hospital, BRUSSELS. On his journey back he called at 31 RHU and collected two Unit Clerks to replace Sgt Painting and L/Bdr Hankin who had been killed at 250 Battery. Special authority had been obtained for this from 8 Corps. The two clerks were Bdr Rous and Gnr Argile. Bdr Rous was posted to 250 Battery and Gnr Arguile to RHQ. Gnr Baldwin remains with 250 Battery. C.O. received letter from Commander 3 British Inf Div congratulating him on 252 Battery's action on night of 16 November, when they scuppered German patrol. He also enclosed a reward for the capture to the extent of 16 Guilders.
20   J Troop post of 252 Battery again encountered German patrol. They opened fire and wounded at least one man. Next morning they found three machine carbines on the scene of the action, and a little later a wounded German Sergeant surrendered himself. He said that two of the patrol had been killed and thought the other two had escaped. No dead could, however, be found.
21   N.T.R. from any of the posts during night.
22   Post of 250 Battery (F Troop) fought action with enemy patrol of 6 during night. One German was killed and body recovered this morning. The following of F Troop sustained slight wounds:- Gnr Cottrill, Gnr Payne and Gnr Spiller. It is thought that other casualties were inflicted on the enemy.
22   P.M.: Second-in-Command went to 251 Battery to spend night in one of their posts. Nothing further to report during day.
23   N.T.R. from any post during night.
MILL 24   N.T.R. from any post during night.
24   A.M.: The following personnel of the L.A.D. were wounded by shell fire while proceeding to be attached to L.A.D., 20 Anti-tank Regiment. Cfn McLean, Cfn Yorke, Cfn Guppy, Cfn Pearson, Cfn Field and Cfn Jellett. The Vehicle had just pulled up to inquire the way when the shell burst in a tree above. There has been very heavy rain the last three days and the River Maas is rapidly flooding. It is worst in the SAMBEEK (249 Battery) area. If the flooding gets any worse it may be necessary for 249 Battery to abandon their positions. It is thought the situation has been aggravated by the Germans tampering with the flood banks. It is still raining hard.
25   N.T.R. during night. Still raining hard. Appx 'I', Folios 10, 11 and 12.
25   C.O. out all day reconnoitring flood conditions on the front. Reported that they are worse today.
25 1600 Visited by C.C.R.A. 8 Corps. Stayed only a very few minutes.
26   N.T.R. during night. Weather improved – sun shining this morning.
26   P.M.: C.O. went to 249 Battery to spend night in one of their posts.
27   N.T.R. during night. More shelling of OEFFELT this morning. During the afternoon L/Sgt Owens of 251 Battery was wounded by a mortar bomb in BEUGEN. Wounds serious.
27 2130 Telephone message from Corps that C.O. and Capt P.T. Ashton were to meet Corps Commander tomorrow at 1430 hours at HQ 8 Corps.
MILL 28   N.T.R. during night.
28 0930 Telephone message from Corps that Recce parties were to proceed immediately to NUNEN 4822 to recce new billets. Second-in-Command left immediately to meet DAQMG 8 Corps Rear and message sent to Batteries to send recce party of one officer and one NCO to meet Second-in-Command at Information Post in NUNEN forthwith.
28 1430 C.O. to Corps Commander. Capt Ashton went with him. The Corps Commander has asked him to take Capt Ashton with him. The interview consisted in the Corps Commander saying goodbye as he is leaving the Corps and going to take up an appointment in India.
28 1700 Second-in-Command returned. Area he had been given to recce was very unsuitable except that it contained a large school which would take RHQ and two Batteries. This, however, was occupied by R.A.F. but it was thought possible that they could be made to move as they were outside their area. If this was done it was thought that it would be possible to fix the other two Batteries in a Brickworks and at CASTEEL respectively. Corps are taking the matter up regarding the moving of the R.A.F. Understood unlikely we shall move before 30 Nov.
29   P.M.: Heard that R.A.F. cannot be ejected from School mentioned above. Told that villages of NEDERWETTEN and STIPHOUT would be allotted to us and that we must find accommodation in these. No definite orders to move tomorrow were received till 2000 hours. These said we would move to STIPHOUT 5322 area on 30 Nov starting at 1400 hours. Appx 'D', Folio 3.
MILL 29 2030 Battery Commanders summoned to RHQ. Advance parties were laid on to start early next morning to recce areas as follows:- – RHQ – STIPHOUT 5322. – 249 Bty – KASTEEL 450210. – 250 Bty – Brickworks 487195. – 251 Bty – STIPHOUT 5322. – 252 Bty – NEDERWETTEN 4623.
30   One RASC platoon was due to arrive at 1000 hours to lift personnel. This did not in fact arrive till after 1200 hours and then there were only 22 vehicles instead of 30. At one time it looked as if the move was going to be chaos due to the late arrival of the RASC coupled with the fact that the roads were jammed with convoys. Things straightened oout however and the move actually went without incident and we crossed the Start Point exactly on time. It had also been feared that 249, 250 and 251 Batteries would get shelled as their Convoys moved out of their locations which were under observation from the enemy. This, however, did not happen although they received some mortar fire during the morning. The actual layout on completion of the move was as set out above. The accomodation was in no case very good but all men were got under cover.
30 1730 C.O. went to see C.C.R.A.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.