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Carter, Harry

18 september 1944
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Oorlogsbegraafplaats van het Gemenebest Geel
Vak: I. Rij: A. Graf: 21.


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War Diary vermeldingen

2 september 1944 WO 171/1330 - 1 East Lancashire
The day brought the supreme example of order, counter-order, and almost disorder. The Bn was first of all at one hour's notice to move from 0900 hrs. This was then changed to 2 hrs notice to move from 1100 hrs. This was changed later to 3 hrs notice. When the head of the Bn was preparing to move off, we received the message “All moves delayed 2 hrs”. Routes were changed continually until finally nobody believed anything about anything. The Bn finally got on the move at 1340 hrs setting off on a journey of some 65 miles. There ensued halts of anything up to an hour or more. 3 hrs were spent in covering half a mile of road. In one place the road was found to be cratered, and heavy rain which fell in the evening and night made it impossible to go round this obstacle. The route lay through FLEURY LA FORET, GAILLE FONTAINE 5935, ABANCOURT 7039, CAMPS, crossing R. SOMME, LONGPRE 8974, and finishing at DOMQUER 9484. Before the SOMME was crossed, however, the route was changed first of all to go through POIX 8646 and then cross the river PICQUIGNY. At POIX, heavy damage to a bombed airfield was observed and a few horse-drawn pieces of artillery were seen. Before the R. SOMME was crossed the destination was altered to DOMART 9979. The Bn again made many diversions due to the correct route being blocked by traffic, and finally arrived at 0700 hrs to harbour there. It was found that the harbour party under Capt. H. Carter had suffered one casualty, Pte Edwards, who was sniped. As a result of a search, two prisoners were taken.

3 september 1944 WO 171/1330 - 1 East Lancashire
The Bn arrived in DOMART about 0500 hrs. It was found that Capt. Carter with the Harbour Party had fought a private battle with some German Snipers. One DR of the Harbour Party was wounded and the locality which we had been ordered to harbour in had been changed to DOMART. At various times throughout the day the Bn was ordered to move, and the order was countermanded. The Bn eventually passed the SP at 1700 hrs that evening with orders to proceed through ST. POL to VALHOUN where the Bn would form up facing NW and take the area of SAINS. The Recce Regt were supposed to be in front to report ST. POL and VALHOUN clear or otherwise. The Bn advanced and made contact with the Recce Regt long before they reached ST. POL, which was declared by the latter to be still held by the Germans and they had had no patrols into ST. POL. This caused some delay, but as supply vehs were proceeding freely northwards, the Bn pushed on and proceeded through ST. POL without incident, it being held by a unit of another Bde.

18 september 1944 WO 171/1330 - 1 East Lancashire
Bn casualties amounted to about 30 & included Major Genese, Major Nicoll, Lieut Sharlot, Capt Carter and Capt. Tull.

