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Gedenktekens Generals Winstead Hill Park

Winstead Hill Park is een onderdeel van de Battle of Franklin National Landmark. Vanaf hier gaf de Geconfedereerde Luitenant-Generaal Hood de opdracht voor de frontale aanval over open terrein op de sterke Noordelijke stellingen in Franklin (Second Battle of Franklin), op 30 november 1864. De aanval, de grootste enkele aanval in de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog, mislukte. Van de 19.000 Geconfedereerde soldaten werden er 1750, waaronder zes generaals, gedood en raakten er 3800 gewond.

Dit monument in Winstead Hill Park herdenkt:

Brigadier-General Otho F. Strahl, die sneuvelde in de Second Battle of Franklin op 30 november 1864.
Brigadier-General States Rights Gist, die sneuvelde in de Second Battle of Franklin op 30 november 1864.
Brigadier-General John Carpenter Carter, die dodelijk gewond raakte in de Second Battle of Franklin op 30 november 1864. Hij stierf op 10 december.
Brigadier-General John Adams, die sneuvelde in de Second Battle of Franklin op 30 november 1864.

Een kolonel van een Indiana regiment die getuige was van zijn dood schreef er later over:
General Adams rode up to our works and, cheering his men, made an attempt to leap his horse over them. The horse fell upon the top of the embankment and the general was caught under him, pierced with [nine] bullets. As soon as the charge was repulsed, our men sprang over the works and lifted the horse, while others dragged the general from under him. He was perfectly conscious and knew his fate. He asked for water, as all dying men do in battle as the life-blood drips from the body. One of my men gave him a canteen of water, while another brought an armful of cotton from an old gin near by and made him a pillow. The general gallantly thanked them, and in answer to our expressions of sorrow at his sad fate, he said, 'It is the fate of a soldier to die for his country', and expired.

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35.888772, -86.878316