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Monument Crash B24 Liberator 'Relulser'

Tekst op het monument:
In memory of the American aircrew who lost their lives when their Liberator aircraft crashed at Kessingland on April 22nd 1944. Crew of B24 Liberator 'Relulser'.
Pilot 2nd Lt Eugene V. Pulcipher,
Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Elmer P. Meier,
Navigator 2nd Lt George S. Fahr,
Bombardier 2nd Lt William Carcelli,
Radio Op S/Sgt Chester J. Romansky,
Gunner S/Sgt William H. Durant,
Gunner Sgt William S. Davis,
Gunner S/Sgt James R. Hardin,
Gunner Sgt Maynard H. Young,
Gunner Sgt Carl E. Spellman.
We Will Remember Them

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